First, please visit Courtney's blog. Her little boy Tripp, who has EB, is in a LOT of pain & could really use any & all prayers!! She is an AMAZING mama to an even more AMAZING little guy.
Found out today that my "baby" got accepted into the preschool we've been trying to get into for 2 years!! Doing a happy little dance & a squeal of delight. We had pretty much given up on her ever getting in. Yeah for her!! So SUPER-EXCITED and what a GREAT way to start our weekend.
We, like much of the rest of the country, are in the middle of a freakish heat wave. Okay, not really freakish, happens every year, but still. I'm so ready for a break from the 100+ degree days. Yes, pretty sure I was the one who was complaining about the cold awhile back too. 72-85 degrees, that's all I ask year round. Maybe 90 if I wanted to go swimming, but that's it.
People are becoming very brazen around here. 3 store robberies in the middle of the day, 2 women shot & 1 was killed as they arrived home the other night. It's scary. I have no desire to take my kids anywhere by myself, and even during the day it seems to be less safe than before. The way everything seems to be going lately, I have a feeling it's only going to get worse before it gets better.
Well had other news to share, but have since forgotten. Happy it's Friday & can't wait to enjoy the weekend!
Stay safe & cool!
Check out my Mom's Tips Monday tomorrow - it is scheduled to publish at 9am EST and I'm featuring your tip and a link to your blog.