Sunday, July 31, 2011

Weekend of old friends

Ah yes, high school.  So long ago...15 years to be exact.  We had our 15 year reunion this weekend.  I was super anxious about it.  You never know how people are going to be--are they going to be friendly?  judgmental?  pompous @sses?  So I was very pleasantly surprised by everyone. 

Some of whom I've known since I was 5 (kindergarten).  Many of us are married w/ families, some are single parents, others have been/are getting divorced, a number of them are/were in the military.  Despite what our lives are now, same or different, it was just a really good time of catching up. 

Do I regret that I haven't kept in touch with most of them?  Part of me does, and another part of me is like, well that was fun.  See you in 5 years.  Is that bad?  With a house full of kids, working full time, kids' activities, etc. it's hard to carve out extra time to keep in more frequent contact.  With fb, it does make it easier to at least keep caught up on what everyone is doing, and for me, that's really enough.  Horrible huh.  Ah well, it is what it is, and with that I'm content.

In other news, thanks to the blog and fb world, I have met people and made friends across the US and even in other countries.  To me that is pretty amazing!  15 years ago, the world wide web was just beginning.  Probably before that, but I remember being against having an email account.  lol  And fb, well I didn't get that account until about 2 years ago.  A blog, well that was pretty recent too.  lol  I like to stay just behind in the times.  haha

Friday, July 22, 2011

Ramblings of today & a prayer request

First, please visit Courtney's blog.  Her little boy Tripp, who has EB, is in a LOT of pain & could really use any & all prayers!!  She is an AMAZING mama to an even more AMAZING little guy.

Found out today that my "baby" got accepted into the preschool we've been trying to get into for 2 years!!  Doing a happy little dance & a squeal of delight.  We had pretty much given up on her ever getting in.  Yeah for her!!  So SUPER-EXCITED and what a GREAT way to start our weekend. 

We, like much of the rest of the country, are in the middle of a freakish heat wave.  Okay, not really freakish, happens every year, but still.  I'm so ready for a break from the 100+ degree days.  Yes, pretty sure I was the one who was complaining about the cold awhile back too.  72-85 degrees, that's all I ask year round.  Maybe 90 if I wanted to go swimming, but that's it. 

People are becoming very brazen around here.  3 store robberies in the middle of the day, 2 women shot & 1 was killed as they arrived home the other night.   It's scary.  I have no desire to take my kids anywhere by myself, and even during the day it seems to be less safe than before.  The way everything seems to be going lately, I have a feeling it's only going to get worse before it gets better. 

Well had other news to share, but have since forgotten.  Happy it's Friday & can't wait to enjoy the weekend!

Stay safe & cool!