Sunday, March 27, 2011

De-cluttering & New Bed!!

Much of my weekend has been spent de-cluttering (or trying to) the girls' room.  How 2 little girls, under the age of 5, can accumulate SO MUCH stuff is beyond me!!  So far four trashbags full of toys will be taken out.  That's just what we got through & the girls could freely part with.  Another 10 or so gone, and we'd be in really good shape. 

I tried limiting part of the stuff animals to five apiece, but the littlest one just looked so sad.  So yep, ended up keeping them all.  I know, I know, I'm a sucker for a sad face. 

In other news, their beds FINALLY arrived!!  We got those put together today (before noon), and the girls have been excited about them ever since.  Let's hope they're just as excited to sleep in them tonight.  Now just as long as they stay in them all night, we'll be doing good!

Allergy season is upon us & I'm not liking it one bit!!  The runny nose is bad enough, but the migraines that come with it, I could live without.  Seriously, I'm such a baby when it comes to headaches.  But the 80+ degree weather that comes with allergies, I'm totally diggin' it. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Seeing the BIG picture

UGH!  Sometimes the BIG picture seems so small & hard to see.  In this case our house & saving for it.  I know what the end result will be, I know what it is I want to achieve, but man, it is hard training yourself to do things differently.

Saving money is not something that I've ever been good at.  I have the best of intentions, I have the thought process of how to do it, but when it comes right down to it, I like to buy things.  Sometimes it's things I need, sometimes things I want, and sometimes just because I "deserve" it.  So I think anyhow.

For example, I really want new clothes.  Not because I necessarily need new work clothes, but I seem to wear the same things all.the.time.  It won't change even if I buy new clothes, I'll just wear those instead of the older ones.  Ugh!! 

Ah yes, arguing with myself.  The wanna-be saver vs. the I-know-I-shouldn't spender.  Which one will prevail?!?! 

Saturday, March 19, 2011

SPRING is in the air!

Ah yes, spring is in the air.  The past 3 days were 60+ degrees and yesterday even reached 77 (maybe that was Thursday??), but either way totally diggin' the warm temps.  Today a little cooler & rainy, but I'll still take it.  Tomorrow back to mid-upper 70's.  Yeah for spring!!

Perhaps we'll hit the zoo tomorrow.  I'm ready to be out doing stuff!  The kids are too.  All I hear is talk of fishing, archery shoots, swimming, etc.  In my head I'm going to start the couch to 5k program, though I have a feeling it's going to stay my head. :)  I've never been a runner, but I like to believe that somehow I could train myself to be. 

And now I'm off for a very rare date night with hubby!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Why is it that...

when you ask a question, people will automatically assume that they know what you're asking & then proceed to answer, without answering your question?  Please, take a moment & actually hear what is being asked.

This happened twice today in a meeting, with two different people.  So instead of getting a straight yes/no answer, with minimal explanation, which is what I was after.  No, instead I receive a 5 minute explanation of a question that wasn't even asked.  Seriously?!?! 

I get that the one person has the whole condesending attitude & that he is sooo much more all-knowing than the peons he works with, but come on.  It is very difficult to show respect to superiors, when half the stuff out of their mouth is just a bunch of hoity-toity, I'm better than you crap.  UGH!! 

Thankfully tomorrow is another day & with any luck, I can avoid conversations with this person completely.  Wish me luck!!  :)

P.S.  My FAVORITE scrapbook store is hiring part-time help on the weekends.  Soooo tempting to apply for the job.  I won't because it's coming upon spring/summer & we'll be super-busy, but man is it ever tempting.  Maybe they'll need help this fall/winter. 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

After much searching...

We finally found beds for our girls.  After being on the look-out for SEVERAL months to find beds that would fit in the girls' super small bedroom, we finally bought them new beds.  Let me just say bed shopping is tough. 

Bunk beds were out (due to their age), single twin beds were out (due to the size of their room), so then we started looking at trundle beds.  Several of those peeked my interest--a daybed with trundle, captain's bed w/ trundle, extra drawers underneath the trundle for storage...many, many possibilities.  So that is what we were after.  A nice trundle bed.  Until last weekend, when I happened upon this...

Loft Bed
PERFECT!!  Not so high so that I would be completely uncomfortable with them sleeping on the top bunk & yet enough room in between the beds, that we could leave decorative pillows & stuffed animals on the bed even when pushed underneath. 

I must say shopping around PAYS OFF.  I found these online & the price ranged anywhere from $1600-$700.  Since these are Ashley brand, I found an Ashley Homestore within an hour of us that sold these for $600.  AWESOME!  There were still a couple other stores we wanted to check too, so today we headed out to check them out. 

We ended up at Roommaker's which does sell Ashley furniture.  They had this bed for $699, but matched it to the Homestore's price & we could pick it up in our hometown instead of having to drive an hour.  Not only did I save us driving an hour (twice) to order the beds from the Homestore, or driving an hour to pick up said beds at Roommaker's, we got the cheaper price AND local pickup.  Suh-weet!!  Gotta figure the driving alone saved us probably $200. 

Decided to let the girls pick out their own bedding also.  I did limit it slightly, and perhaps encouraged specific bed sets :), but they did have their choices.  That counts right??  Had to have some restrictions or we would've come home with some bright pink/orange combo with sequins attached to it.  Probably not the best idea or the most durable for a 5 year old.  AND even somewhat coordinated.  YEAH!!  & half the price of what I was finding online.  Score!!